Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Penggunaan have-has dan possessive adjective dalam descriptive text

Have dan has

Have dan has merupakan kata kerja yang artinya memiliki, namun penggunaan nya berbeda. Have digunakan untuk subject I, you, they, we. Sedangkan has digunakan untuk subject she, he, it

Maka dalam kalimat akan menjadi:
1. I have an elder sister (Saya memiliki seorang kakak)
2. we have a cat (Kami memiliki seekor kucing)
3. They have an idol (Mereka memiliki seorang idola)

1. She has long hair (Dia perempuan memiliki rambut yang Panjang)
2. He has flat nose (Dia laki laki memiliki hidung yang pesek)
3. Alvin has big body (Alvin memiliki badan yang besar)
4. Kinara has narrow eyes (Kinara memiliki mata yang sipit)

Possessive Adjctive

Possessive adjective adalah kata ganti kepemilikan dengan posisi sebagai kata sifat (adjective) yang menerangkan kata benda (noun). Kata sifat milik ini ditempatkan sebelum kata benda.

Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini :
My : My cat is a Persian cat (Kucing saya adalah kucing Persia)
Your (singular) : Your book is so dusty (Bukumu sangat berdebu)
Her (milik dia perempuan) : Her eyes are brown (Mata dia (perempuan) cokelat)
His (milik dia laki-laki) : His body is big (Badan dia (laki-laki) besar)
Our : Our father is a nice man (ayah kami adalah orang yang baik)
Your (plural) : Your friends are so beautifull (teman-temanmu sangat cantik)
Their : Their face looks like a film star (Wajah mereka terlihat seperti bintang film)
Its : The dog likes its food (Anjing itu menyukai makanannya)

Contoh penggunaan have-has dan possessive adjective dalam descriptive text

My lovely cat

I have a stray cat as my pet.  His name is Fluffy. He is really playful, He loved to play with me and the new things he found. 

Fluffy has orange and white fur, his fur is so soft and I like to rubs it for him. He has a long tail. He likes to play with it. He is also always try to catch his tail sometimes. I also like to hold him in my hand, when i hold him like that he will fall asleep.

      = has-have
      = possessive adjective

Monday, March 16, 2020

Contoh descriptive text tentang kura-kura

Turtles are reptiles of the order Chelonii or Testudines and are characterised by a special bony shell which is developed from their ribs and acts as a shield against predators.
There are 327 known species of turtle alive today and many of them are an endangered species.
Turtles can range in size from the 0,1 meter Bog turtle to the 680 kilogram Leathery Turtles. Kemp’s Ridley is the smallest and rarest of all sea turtles and is an endangered species as is the leatherback turtle.
The shell of the turtle is what makes it unique. The top domed part of a turtle’s shell is called the carapase and the bottom underlying part is called the plastron. The turtle’s shell also has nerve endings in it. If you touch the shell, a turtle can feel it. Turtles pull their heads and feet into their shells to protect themselves. Some Box turtles can eat so much that they no longer will fit into their shell.
All turtles lay their eggs on land. When in the eggs, turtles take about 2 months to incubate and their sex is determined by the temperature. Under 29 degrees they become male, over 29 degrees they become female.

Describing Animals

1. Animals: Snakes
Appearance: Scaly (bersisik)
Activity: Slither (melata)

2. Animals: Dogs
Appearance: Furry (berbulu)
Activity: Walk, run and bark (berjalan, berlari dan menggongong)

3. Animals: Turtles
Appearance: Have protective shell (memiliki cangkang pelindung)
Activity: Walk and swim (berjalan dan berenang)

4. Animals: Cats
Appearance: Furry
Activity: Walk, run and purr (berjalan, berlari dan mengeong)

5. Animals: Horses
Appearance: Has long neck and limbs (Memiliki leher dan kaki yang panjang)
Activity: Walk, run and neigh (berjalan, berlari, meringkik)

6. Animals: Tigers
Appearance: Has stripes pattern on body (Memiliki motif garis pada tubuh)
Activity: Walk, run and roar (berjalan, berlari dan meraum)

7. Animals: Buffaloes
Appearance: Big and have horns (Besar dan memiliki tanduk)
Activity: Walk, run and grunt (berjalan, berlari dan mendengus)

8. Animals: Kangaroos
Appearance: Have large feet and muscular tail (Memiliki kaki besar dan ekor berotot)
Activity: Jump (melompat)